
Controllers : Filters

Filters are functions that run before or after the action function. Each filter is executed sequentially, one after the other, after the previous filter calls next.

Filters help to untangle nested blocks of async code, and are especially useful for loading records from a database or implementing authentication and access control.

Before Filters

Before filters run before the action function.

PhotosController.before('show', function(next) {
  var self = this;
  Photo.findOne(this.param('id'), function(err, photo) {
    if (err) { return next(err) }
    self._photo = photo;

PhotosController.show = function() {
  this.title = this._photo.title;
  this.description = this._photo.description;
Before All

Specify * to run a filter before all actions in the controller.

PhotosController.before('*', function(next) {
  // this executes before any action is invoked
Middleware as a Filter

Connect-style middleware can also be used as a filter.

For example, to limit the size of an upload:

PhotosController.before('upload', connect.limit('10mb'));

Or implementing authentication using Passport and connect-ensure-login:

LogInController.before('login', login.ensureLoggedOut('/'));
LogInController.before('login', passport.authenticate('local', { failureRedirect: '/login',
                                                                 failureFlash: true }));
LogInController.login = function() {

After Filters

After filters are identical to before filters, except that they run after the action, naturally.

PhotosController.after('show', function(next) {

After Error Filters

After error filters can be used to handle errors that occur within a controller.

PhotosController.after('*', function(err, req, res, next) {
  this.render('error', { message: err.message });

If no after error filters are defined, the error will be passed out where it can be handled by application-level error handling middleware.